Thank you for visiting and supporting my work. This page enables me to send you autographed copies of my books. Low tech for sure, but it works. My latest books are Tech Tapesty and Through Different Lenses and I hope you enjoy it. Additionally, my previous books are also available on this page. Choose which book you want, fill out the form, and press submit. Your books will be sent to you along with an invoice. Again, thank you for supporting me. I greatly appreciate it!
Thomas Holt Russell Jr. (III)
Thomas Holt Russell Jr. (III)
My latest book, Tech Tapestry: Weaving the Threads of Human Ingenuity, is a technology book for non-technical people. It gets straight to the point of how the most important inventions and innovations throughout history were just one stop among the infinite technological path. It is not for tech geeks. Instead, it contains the information needed for American society's cultural literacy as it applies to our relationship with technology.
Through Different Lenses is a continuation of Binary Society, a thoughtful and subjective view of society through the lens of technology. Topics include Russell's struggle to teach during the pandemic, the coming storm of AI, the death of crafmansship, nature & solitude, and the emotional trauma of visiting museums. This book should be read on the subway, if you ever decide to ride one.
"This title is a masterpiece of essays and opinions designed to compel its reader to take a far more probing and thoughtful look into the changing events all around us. T.H. Russell helps to add texture and color to the seemingly insignificant occurrences of life that, while profound and potentially life-changing, routinely go unconsidered. By taking larger events and breaking them into smaller episodes, he makes it possible for the reader to focus and discover deeper meaning in their everyday experiences. Whether in the realm of technology, education, race or politics, Russell skillfully engages in discussions regarding the rapid changes that heretofore was unimaginable; and will undoubtedly evolve even faster in both the near and distant future. It is a pleasant yet sobering twist on the idiom, "stop and smell the roses." Reading this book, you may well find yourself pausing, reflecting and giving greater credence to the small incidents that make up your entire day, week, month or year. Most importantly, you will walk away with a greater appreciation for the depth and breadth of your uniqueness in the world and the experiences that have brought you to this moment in time."
Alfonzo Porter, Ed.D. Professor Department of Journalism & Media Production Metropolitan State University of Denver |